Soul Survivor

Gather together to journey with God

Want to come to Soul Survivor Scotland on your own or with a couple of friends? Why not experience the event through an SU Holiday?

Soul Survivor is a five day event where hundreds of people gather together to journey with God. The main focus of the event is morning and evening meetings where we spend time worshipping God with music, learning more about him through his word (the Bible) and waiting on the Holy Spirit to change us and equip us to live lives for him. As well as main meetings and seminars we have a bunch of venues from chilled out cafes through to awesome gigs... it's pretty fun!

We are offering two all-inclusive packages, which provide full access to the Soul Survivor programme, food, on-site activities, travel and accommodation. Make sure you book your place and get the best of both worlds - full Soul Survivor programme, and full SU Holidays experience, hanging out with a small, friendly bunch of young people like you.

  • Go for the LMSoul1 option at only £209 to enjoy the authentic festival experience in a pre-pitched tent!
  • Alternatively, choose LMSoul2 (£284) for the added benefit of indoor en-suite accommodation.
What does it look like?

Soul Survivor is about hundreds of us seeking God, praising him, listening to his word and praying for each other. But it's not just about main meetings. There is the chance to get the low down on all manner of issues in our massive array of seminars. On top of that there’s the hanging out drinking hot chocolate in makeshift cafes or checking out live gigs.

Who is it for?

Soul Survivor is about following Jesus better, so is really aimed at (Christian) young people, though you don’t have to be a Christian to come or part of any particular denomination. We spend times seeking God in our main meetings though these aren't compulsory... there is loads of other stuff to do. Everyone is welcome, whether they class themselves Christians or not.

Some history

Soul Survivor started back in 1993 and since then our events have grown to see over 28,000 people come along each year. The stuff we do is specifically for young people and younger adults, and seeks to equip us all to worship God and follow Jesus with our whole lives. We're not about hype, but seek to learn and grow from relevant and biblical teaching and through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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