Discover how to become a Motiv8 Partner
We have a focus on ministry at the margins and place an emphasis on working with children and young people who live within Scotland’s priority communities (the top 20% as identified by SIMD data).
We recognise that an advertised SU Holiday for these young people may be one or two steps too far……. we get that. That’s why we have been delivering Motiv8 Holidays for more than 15 years offering the same life-changing time away, but with the extra support and more relaxed boundaries that young people may require.
We know that young people from priority communities benefit from being able to come with a leader they know and have built trust with. Places on Motiv8 Holidays are only offered to young people through referral by an individual, local church or youth project who knows and has year-round contact with them.
What about cost?
In 2023 our week-long Motiv8 Holidays run at a cost of just £77 for each young person going (£40 for a two-night event) which includes all the same kind of activities as a regular holiday. There's no charge for volunteers, but they will be asked to make a donation to help cover the cost of accommodation and food.
Do I need to be there?
The aim of Motiv8 Holidays is to provide a safe and stimulating environment for young people to explore the Christian faith. To do this we ask Partners to send an adult known to the young people to join the team who lead the Holiday -; all team at all SU events go through the SU Scotland volunteer process
Sounds great! Who can I chat with to find out more?
Please complete the form below and Tim Raynes, Ministry at the Margins Lead, will be in touch